Thursday 8 June 2017


If there's one thing I love about life it's that you can't live the same day twice, everyday we have a different story to tell so if you are going through tough times just know that it's temporary, you cannot and will not stay in the same spot forever, life and the universe are always moving, always changing. One day your up, the next day you're down. That's why when you are up enjoy, indulge and appreciate every moment and when you're down learn and take as much from it as you can. And don't forget to treat people the same way in which you would like to be treated, this is important because that very same person will be the one to help you get up when you are down. Life is reciprocal. Once you know this you will live a much more fulfilling life. From me to you *Peace & Blessings* - Nelisiwe Samantha Jiyane